Name: Magdy Abd El Malk Hanna

Position: Professor


Phone: 01281058622 

Reviews of Papers (National & International)

1- Arbitration of scientific papers for promotion to the degree of Associate Professor and Professor in Astronomy in Astronomical Promotion Committee.

Conferences, Scientific Missions

& Workshops

1-Arabic Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics, sixth Assembly (ACAG6), 15-17 October, 2018, NRIAG, Helwan, Cairo, Egypt.

2- Presenting a lecture entitled “Period Variation in close binary systems” in the 40th International School for Young Astronomers (ISYA 2018), 26th March to 11th April, 2018.

3-Co-chairman for Astronomy session in ACAG6.   


 The Kottamia Center of Scientific Excellence in Astronomy and Space Sciences.

Supervision of

M.Sc. / Ph.D.

PhD Supervision:

1- Mohamad Ahmad Al Sadek, Astronomy Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo


Title: Photometric Study of Some Newly Discovered Short Period Eclipsing Binary Stars.


1. Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).