Name: Saad Abd Elkader Hassan

Position: Assistant Researcher (Msc. Student)

Email:   and

Phone: 01003609019


Conferences, Scientific Missions

& Workshops

1.   Participating on the 40th International school for young Astronomer (ISYA) held at Egypt - 2018

2.  Attended Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics, 15-17 Oct 2018. (NRIAG)

3.  Participating on the Third ArAS School for Astrophysics (ArAS SfA-3) (American University of Beirut).                                                                                  




Participating in the selection of a new astronomical observatory at Egypt.



Participation in the Astronomy Department activities:
1- Kottamia Observatory:  Aluminizing Mirrors, Latest discovery:
KAO-EGYPT J073200.42+284121.3(object) For more information, please visit:

3-    2- Scientific Society of Astronomy & Space in Egypt - SSAS Egypt.