Prof. Sherif Mohamed El-Hady
Head Of seismology Department
Earthquakes are the official language of the earth planet talking about itself to tell us about its internal structure and its contents of natural resources. ٍSeismology Department contributes to achieving the Egyptian 2030 vision for sustainable development through recording and monitoring natural and artificial seismic events with the latest modern Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN). The seismological division includes the National Seismic Network Laboratory and the General Seismic Laboratory. The department also includes a group of scientists and specialists who carry out studies and researches that serve all major national development projects.
The main center of the ENSN is located at Helwan, Cairo, besides a group of seven regional seismic centers covering all parts of the Arab Republic of Egypt. These sub-centers provide expertise and advice to decision-makers in surrounding governorates and regions on the most appropriate sites for development projects and architectural designs in order to achieve comprehensive, integrated, and sustainable development.