National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)
Address: EL Marsad Street 1, Helwan, Cairo
Arab Republic of Egypt
Telephone: (+202) 255 41100 – 255 49780
Fax: (+202) 255 48020
Mob: (+2) 01027515151
Post No: 11421 Box:138
For Visits Reservation to Kottamia Astronomical Observatiry, please call Dr.Mohamed El-Sadek
Mob:(+2) 01064110064
- By Car:
- NRIAG can be reached by car through ِِِAutostorad, please follow the direction on this map
- By Subway:
- Using Cairo Metro
(Line 1) going to Helwan. Please get off at Helwan station (last station) then walk to NRIAG car stop in front of WE store (Reyad Street cross Shereef Street). See the map below . Bus will work every 15 minutes between 8:30 and 10:30 AM.
Or you may use taxi from Helwan station (ask about Marsad Helwan)