" رواد الرؤية المستقبلية " (FVP) Future Vision Pioneers Initiativeمعهد البحوث الفلكية يستضيف مُتدربي الدورة السادسة عشرة "لبرنامج الأملالأستاذ الدكتور/ طه رابح، رئيس المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقية يستقبل وفدًا من جامعة حلوانInteractive Subsurface 3D Modeling using Potential Fields and Geological Constraintsبيان هلال شهر ذو الحجة لعام 1445هـهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY​The Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics – ACAG 8​Smart Green Projects InitiativeSpace Technology and its ApplicationsThe Third Advanced ArAS School for Astrophysics.يوم المرأة العالمى فى الفلكهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةندوة يابانية مصرية مشركة حول التكنولوجيا المتقدمة فى تقدير المخاطر الزلزاليةهزة أرضية علي بعد 27 كم شمال مدينة السويس ودرجة قوته 4.1 ريختر وعلي عمق 10كمزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطنفى المعهد القومى للبحوث الفلكية و الجيوفيزيقية تعرض مصر لتسونامى و زلزال مدمر خلال الايام المقبلةوزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي يرأس اجتماع مجلس إدارة المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقيةبرعاية وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي تنظيم ورشة عمل حول “تصنيع النموذج الأول من المحول الرقمي التخزيني في منظومة رصد الزلازل”

Solar Lab.

Prof. Dr. Yasser Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Hadi
Head of Solar Research Laboratory


Solar Research Laboratory

The Solar Research Laboratory: studies the sun as a source of quasi-eternal solar energy as well as the study of the sun as a body physicist as one of the stars. It studies the solar cells and solar laser technology, as well as the studies related to solar activity and the solar spectrum. Tracking the various solar phenomena and doing physical models. In addition, the study of astronomy, as well as archaeological Islamic astronomy is also important specialties. Study the relationship between the sun and the earth, the sun, and the effects of the space environment on the content of the satellites and the impact on the progress in space projects.

Members of Solar Research Laboratory

NameTitleInternal PhoneCell PhoneE-Mail
Mohamed Ahmed Somaida
Prof. Dr. Head of Solar and Space Research
Yasser Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Hadi
Prof. Dr. Head of Solar Research
Ahmed El-Sayed Ghitas
Prof. Dr.
Deputy of Solar and Space Research Department
Rabab Helal Abdelhamid
Amir Husein Hassan
Osama Ali RahoumaProf.
Mohamed Mahmoud SabryProf. Dr.outside0162736617
Ahmed Mohamad FathyAssoc. Prof..outside0100556473

Sami Abdelmordy Khalil

Bashir El sayed AbdelazizAssoc.
Ayman Abdelaziz El sayedDr.outside
Mohamad Mohamad KhalilDr.outside0126577373
Hazem Mohamad El ZaafaranyDr.outside0107510667
Manar Mohamad AbbadyDr.outside

Mohamed Ghareeb Hamed Rashed
Amal Mohamad
Magda Mohebeldin Hussein
Sara Said Khodairy Imbaby
Sameh Nady Said
Dr. 1549(+61) 498 218
Mohamed Abdelhamid Mohamed ShahatDr.154901018190545

Ahmed Abulwfa
Safynaz Ahmed Abd elrahman
Mohamad Sedik Abdallah
Heba Zeinhom sayed
Gomaa Mohammed Gomaa Khalaf
Eid Abd Elwahid Amin
Fatma AbdElwahab
Ashraf Shaban khameesPh.D.
Mohamed Ibrahim Ghitas

Solar Radiation Record

The Solar Radiation record has now been developed with the addition and replacement of new devices obtained to record the various solar radiation compounds (total, direct and diffused) at different wavelengths as well as the solar brightness rate device and the station is equipped to operate automatically and remote control.

Voyager Telescope

A Voyager telescope with an Hα filter and a high-resolution digital camera were attached to the Kodie telescope to take periodic observations in the Hα range to observe solar phenomena seen only in white light such as the Flare and Prominence and their variability with the solar activity cycle.

Solar Cell Tester

In the field of solar energy, a high temperature control unit has been added to the Solar Cell Tester to conduct accurate experiments on solar cells in different climates.

Hydrogen production device

Hydrogen production device with fuel burn cell was obtained to conduct advanced experiments to produce hydrogen gas using electrolyzer through electrolysis of water and use of solar cells as electrolytic supply of the analyzer. To produce direct electrical energy for home use

William Optics Megrez 90 APO Telescope

LASER Solar Concentrator System

Solar Telescope

Solar Cell R&D Lab. devices

Solar Spectrograph

Terrestrial PV R&D and applications


The Qibla of many mosques in different governorates was determined before the construction of the building and then confirmed after the construction, as well as the Qibla correction of some of the mosques to take the right direction of prayer.
Observed the Arab months of the Hijri year and the current and that the monitoring site at the Institute and other places throughout the Republic.
The partial and total lunar eclipse was monitored.
Measurements and analysis of some samples of solar cells in the photovoltaic research unit in the laboratory for one of the projects of the Egyptian space program at the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, to study the harmful effects of space radiation on the components of the Egyptian satellite.
The value of solar radiation falling on different governorates was evaluated to start the project of using and utilizing solar energy as clean alternative energy.