Welcome to the web page of (Dr. Nihad Saad Abd El Motelp Saad) associate professor, at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics -NRIAG. At the different web page sections, you could find information on my fields of interest and updated information related to my Scientific Activities.
Professional Profile 
Full Name: Nihad Saad Abdelmotaleb
Scientific Name: Motelp, N. S
E-mails: nihad.saad@yahoo.com
Address: National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – NRIAG
Astronomy Department – Stellar Astronomy Lab
11421 – Helwan – Cairo – Egypt
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Journals Articles
1.Abd El Motelp, N., Radwan, M. Periodic Orbits Around the Triangular Points with Prolate Primaries. Artificial Satellites, 2023, 58(1), pp. 1–13
2.Radwan, M., Abd El Motelp, N.S. Location and stability of the triangular points in the triaxial elliptic restricted three-body problem. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 2021, 57(2), pp. 311–319
3. Zotos, E.E., Abouelmagd, E.I., Motelp, N.S.A.E.Introducing a new version of the restricted three-body problem with a continuation fraction potential. New Astronomy, 2020, 81, 101444
4.Abdel-Sabour, M., Essam, A., Abdel-Motelp, N.S., Ibrahim, E.I. Optical observation study of W UMa eclipsing binary system DF CVn using ASAS, KWS, and superWASP archives.Romanian Astronomical Journal, 2020, 30(3), pp. 189–200
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