" رواد الرؤية المستقبلية " (FVP) Future Vision Pioneers Initiativeمعهد البحوث الفلكية يستضيف مُتدربي الدورة السادسة عشرة "لبرنامج الأملالأستاذ الدكتور/ طه رابح، رئيس المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقية يستقبل وفدًا من جامعة حلوانInteractive Subsurface 3D Modeling using Potential Fields and Geological Constraintsبيان هلال شهر ذو الحجة لعام 1445هـهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY​The Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics – ACAG 8​Smart Green Projects InitiativeSpace Technology and its ApplicationsThe Third Advanced ArAS School for Astrophysics.يوم المرأة العالمى فى الفلكهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةندوة يابانية مصرية مشركة حول التكنولوجيا المتقدمة فى تقدير المخاطر الزلزاليةهزة أرضية علي بعد 27 كم شمال مدينة السويس ودرجة قوته 4.1 ريختر وعلي عمق 10كمزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطنفى المعهد القومى للبحوث الفلكية و الجيوفيزيقية تعرض مصر لتسونامى و زلزال مدمر خلال الايام المقبلةوزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي يرأس اجتماع مجلس إدارة المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقيةبرعاية وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي تنظيم ورشة عمل حول “تصنيع النموذج الأول من المحول الرقمي التخزيني في منظومة رصد الزلازل”

Magdy Sanad

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Welcome to the web page of Magdy Sanad, Professor of Astrophysics  , at National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – NRIAG . At the different sections of the web page you could find information on my fields of interest and updated information related  my Scientific Activities.

Professional Profile

Full Name: Magdy Rabie Soliman Sanad

Scientific Name: M.R. Sanad


Phone: 01283880567

Address: National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – NRIAG
                    Astronomy Department – Stellar Astronomy Lab
                   11421 – Helwan – Cairo – Egypt

Social Media Links

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My Bio

My Biography

       Magdy Sanad is Professor of Astrophysics at National research

       Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – Astronomy Department

Helwan – Cairo – Egypt – He obtained M.Sc 1999 and Ph.D. 2005

in Ultraviolet Stellar Spectroscopy.

Magdy Sanad published more than 30 paper in some international

Astrophysical Journals

My Research Interests

My Research Interests

       The main research is studying the spectral behavior of different types of Cataclysmic Variables in Ultraviolet band to describe their variations with time and determining the physical reasons for modulations and calculating some physical parameters as temperature, UV luminosity …

Scientific IDs

Scientific IDs

  Scientific Name of Publications:

 M.R. sanad

  ID Research

  Scopus ID:


  Researcher ID:


 Orcid ID:

My Awards

My Awards

  • Prize of Professor Mahmoud Khairy – Academy of Scientific Research and Technology – 2011

Journals  Articles

  1. Ultraviolet Spectral Behavior of UX Ari with Periodic Flaring Activity

    Sanad, M. R, Zead, I, Abdel-Sabour,M.A. 2021, Astrophysics, Vol. 64, pp.316-326

  2. Spectral Behavior of the Symbiotic Nova HM Sge in the Ultraviolet

    Sanad, M. R, Abdel-Sabour, M. A. 2020,   Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica Vol. 56, pp. 63-69

  3. A Search for Evolutionary Changes in the Periods of Five Classical Cepheid Stars: R Cru, T Cru, XZ Car, X Lac and WZ Car

    Abdel-Sabour, M. A. Sanad, M. R. 2020, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics, vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 99-105

  4. Ultraviolet Spectral Evolution of V1974 Cyg Using IUE Low Resolution Spectra

    Hamed, G. M. ; Sanad, M. R. ; Essam, A. ; Yousef, S. 2018, Astrophysics, Volume

    61, Issue 1, pp.91-100

  5. Spectral evolution of the two classical novae PW Vul and V1668 Cyg using International Ultraviolet Explorer low-resolution spectra

    Hamed, G. M.; Sanad, M. R.;Yousef, S.; Essam, A.; El Rafy, M. 2018, Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 339, Issue 173, pp. 173-182

  6. Ultraviolet Spectral Behavior of TV Col During and After Flaring Activity

    Sanad, M. R.; Abdel-Sabour, M. A. 2018, Astrophysical Bulletin, Volume 73, Issue 1,


  7. Spectral behavior of the symbiotic nova AG Pegasi observed with IUE and HST

    Sanad, M. R.; Bobrowsky, M. 2017, New Astronomy, Volume 53, p. 20-25.

  8. Spectral and photometric behavior of SU UMa during quiescence and outburst states

    Zead, I.; Saad, S. M.; Sanad, M. R.; Behary, M. M.; Gadallah, K. 2017, New

    Astronomy, Volume 52, p. 122-132.

  9. Ultraviolet spectroscopy of symbiotic nova V1016 Cyg with IUE and HST

    Sanad, M. R. 2017, New Astronomy, Volume 52, p. 14-19.

  10. Ultraviolet spectral variations of symbiotic nova PU Vul during and after second eclipse

    Sanad, M. R. 2016, Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 361, Issue 12, 386, 9.

  11. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of BL Hyi and EF Eri in High and Intermediate States

    Sanad, M. R.; Abdel-Sabour, M. A. 2016, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 152, Issue 2,. 37, 10.

  12. Spectral behavior of Nova GQ Mus in the ultraviolet

    Sanad, M. R.; Abdel-Sabour, M. A. 2016, Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 361, Issue 5 .152, 6 .

  13. Ultraviolet spectroscopy of V Sagittae in high, intermediate and low states from HST and IUE satellites

    Sanad, M. R. 2015, Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 360, 31, 9.

  14. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of PQ Gem and V405 Aur from the HST and IUE Satellites

    Sanad, M. R. 2015, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 812, Issue 2, 97, 13 pp.

  15. Ultraviolet spectroscopic study of EU UMa and ST LMi from HST and IUE observations

    Sanad, M. R.; Bobrowsky, M. 2015, New Astronomy, Volume 36, p. 110-115.

  16. Ultraviolet spectral behavior of AO Psc and V1223 Sgr from the HST and IUE satellites, Sanad, M.R. 2015, Ap&SS, 356, 43

  17. Ultraviolet spectroscopic study of EU UMa and ST LMi in intermediate and low states from the HST and IUE satellites

    Sanad, M.R; Bobrowsky, M. 2015, New A, 36, 110

  18. Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Study of BY Circini and V 1425 Aquilae from IUE Satellite

    Sanad, M.R. 2014, JApA  35, 715

  19. Ultraviolet spectral variations of FK Comae and V 1794 Cygni

    Sanad, M. R; Bobrowsky, M. 2014, NewA, 31, 37S

  20. Spectral behavior of 44 (iota) Bootis and VW Cephei in the ultraviolet Sanad, M. R; Bobrowsky, M. 2014, NewA, 29, 47S
  21. Ultraviolet spectral behavior of IP Peg and DW UMa in high, intermediateand low states from the HST and IUE satellites.Sanad, M. R. 2014, New A, 63, 72
  22. Phase-Resolved UV Spectroscopy of V834 Cen and MR Ser inHigh and Intermediate States.Sanad, M. R; Bobrowsky, M. 2012, IJAA, 2, 218S
  23. Similarities and differences in the spectral behavior of W Ser and UX Mon in the ultraviolet.Sanad, M. R;  Bobrowsky, M. 2013, Ap&SS, 344, 405S
  24. New face in the spectral behavior of Capella in the UV.Sanad, M. R. 2013, Ap&SS, 344, 389S.
  25. Two new systems with enhanced UV line flux ratios as indication of the evolution of cataclysmic variables.Sanad, M. R.  2011, NewA, 16, 19.
  26. New aspects of spectral behavior of SS Cyg and WX Hyi between quiescence and outburst states in the UVSanad, M. R.  2011, NewA, 16, 114
  27. Spectral behavior of AE Aqr between high and low states in the UVSanad, M. R.  2010, NewA, 15, 688.
  28. Spectral behavior of AM Her and QQ Vul in high and intermediate states in the UV.Sanad, M. R. 2010, Ap&SS, 330, 337.
  29. Spectral variability of the α Sco AB binary system observed with IUESanad, M. R; Bobrowsky, M.  2010, NewA, 15, 646.
  30. Disparity of spectral behavior of RR Tel and RX Pup in the UVSanad, M. R.  2010, NewA, 15, 409.
  31. Eclipsing and density effects on the spectral behavior of Beta Lyraebinary system in the UV.Sanad, M. R.  2010, NewA, 15, 113.
  32. Physical mechanisms of the spectral variability of α Orionis with IUESanad, M. R. 2010, NewA, 15, 52.
  33. Density Effects on Mg II Emission Lines of Mira ABSanad, M. R; Bobrowsky, M.; Hamdy, M. A.; Abo Elazm, M. S.2009, AJ, 137, 3479.
  34. New variations of Mg II emission lines of Mira AB with HSTSanad, M. R; Ibrahim, Alhassan I. 2009, NewA, 14, 65.
  • Editorial Membership
  • International Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Journal

Group Team


  • Scientific Visits
  • Scientific mission to Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory – Italy




1- Scientific supervision on Ph.D thesis (2011) with the title of:

“Investigating Spectral Behavior of Some Cataclysmic Variables in the Optical and Ultraviolet Regions”

2- Scientific supervision on Ph.D thesis (2013) with the title of:

“Studying Spectral behavior, accretion processes and photometric  behavior of some binary stars in the optical and ultraviolet regions”

Union Membership

  • Individual membership of International Astronomical Union (IAU)