Welcome to the web page of (Meirna Gamal, Researcher Assistant) , at Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics -NRIAG . At the different sections of the web page you could find information on my fields of interest and updated information related my Scientifics Activities.
Full Name: Meirna Gamal El-Din Farid Metwally Halawa
Scientifics Name: M.G. Halawa
E-mails: meirnagamal@nriag.sci.eg meirnagamal@gmail.com
Phone: +201000008478
Address: National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – NRIAG
Astronomy Department – Stellar Astronomy Lab
11421 – Helwan – Cairo – Egypt
Journals Articles
M. G. HALAWA, Yehia ABDEL-AZIZ, M. YOUSSEF, Analysis of close approach and collision probability between operational satellites and/ or space debris, pp. 113-127, DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2020.12.3.9; https://doi.org/10.13111/2066-8201.2020.12.3.9
Group Team
A short-term stay for a training course on the test facilities of Center for Nanosatellite Testing (CeNT) Laboratory of Spacecraft Environment Interaction Engineering (LaSEINE), Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japaan, from May 6 to May 20 (2018)
the International Summer Space School “Future Space Technologies and Experiments in Space” in Samara from August 30 to September 10, 2021