" رواد الرؤية المستقبلية " (FVP) Future Vision Pioneers Initiativeمعهد البحوث الفلكية يستضيف مُتدربي الدورة السادسة عشرة "لبرنامج الأملالأستاذ الدكتور/ طه رابح، رئيس المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقية يستقبل وفدًا من جامعة حلوانInteractive Subsurface 3D Modeling using Potential Fields and Geological Constraintsبيان هلال شهر ذو الحجة لعام 1445هـهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY​The Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics – ACAG 8​Smart Green Projects InitiativeSpace Technology and its ApplicationsThe Third Advanced ArAS School for Astrophysics.يوم المرأة العالمى فى الفلكهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةندوة يابانية مصرية مشركة حول التكنولوجيا المتقدمة فى تقدير المخاطر الزلزاليةهزة أرضية علي بعد 27 كم شمال مدينة السويس ودرجة قوته 4.1 ريختر وعلي عمق 10كمزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطنفى المعهد القومى للبحوث الفلكية و الجيوفيزيقية تعرض مصر لتسونامى و زلزال مدمر خلال الايام المقبلةوزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي يرأس اجتماع مجلس إدارة المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقيةبرعاية وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي تنظيم ورشة عمل حول “تصنيع النموذج الأول من المحول الرقمي التخزيني في منظومة رصد الزلازل”

Prof. Mohamed Nouh

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Full Name: Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed Nouh

Scientifics Name: Mohamed I. Nouh

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Phone: +201028262239

Address: National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – NRIAG
                    Astronomy Department – Stellar Astronomy Lab
                   11421 – Helwan – Cairo – Egypt

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My Research Interests

My research interests are concerned with computational and mathematical physics and its application in Astrophysics. Numerical and SYMBOLIC tools (FORTRAN and MATHEMATICA) are used to simulate radiation transfer in plasma, modeling the physical parameters of the stellar atmosphere, polytropic and isothermal gas sphere, and stellar nuclear reactions (i.e. Helium Burning).  I applied the above algorithms to probe the physical properties of the plasma inside the stars, spectroscopic and photometric studies will help to give an overview of the physical process that occurred in the media having high density and very high temperature (i.e. White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars). These algorithms are developed in both integer and fractional forms.

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My Awards

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  • Mahmoud Khairy (ASRT), 2003

Journals  Articles

  1. Azzam, Y. A., Abdel-Salam, E. and Nouh, M. I., 2021, Artificial Neural Network Modeling of the Conformable Fractional Isothermal Gas Spheres, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 57,1, 189.
  2. Abdel-Salam, E., Nouh, M. I., Azzam, Y. A. and  Jazmati, M., 2021, Conformable Fractional Models of the Stellar Helium Burning via Artificial Neural Networks, Advances in Astronomy, Volume 2021, Article ID 6662217 ,
  3. Eltayeb A.Yousifa, Ahmed M.A.Adam, Abaker A.Hassaballa, and Mohamed I.Nouh, 2021, Conformable Fractional Isothermal Gas Spheres, New Astronomy, 84, 101511.
  4. Saad, S. M., Nouh, M. I.,  Shokry, A., Zead, I., 2021, Study of the Time Variability and Line Profile Variations of k Dra, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 57,1, 91.
  5. Nouh, M. I., Azzam, Y. A. and Abdel-Salam, E., 2021, Modeling Fractional Polytropic Gas Spheres Using Artificial Neural Network, Neural Computing and Applications,
  6. Elkholy, E., Elsanhoury, W. and Nouh, M. I., 2021, Orbits and Individual Masses of some Visual Binaries, Astrophysics, 64, 53.
  7. Azzam, Y. A., Nouh, M. I., and Shaker, A. A., 2021, Prediction of the Atmospheric Fundamental Parameters from Stellar Spectra Using Artificial Neural Network, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics, 10, 23.
  8. Eltayeb A.Yousif and I. Nouh, 2020, Multitravelling Wave Solutions for some Nonlinear Fractional Equations of Mathematical Physics, International Journal of applied mathematics and statistics, 59, 129.
  9. Shokry, A., Zead, I. Z., El-Depsey, M. H.,  Darwish, M. S., Hassan, I. A., Shaltout, A. M. K., Saad, M. S. and Nouh, M.I., 2020, New CCD Photometry and Light Curve Analysis of two WUMa Binaries: 1SWASP J133417.80+394314.4 and V2790 Orion, New Astronomy, 80, 101400.
  10. E. Abdel-Salam and M. I. Nouh, 2020, Analytical Solution to the Conformable Fractional Lane-Emden Type Equations Arising in Astrophysics, Scientific Africans, 8, e00386.
  11. M. I. Nouh and W. H. Elsanhoury, 2020, Kinematics and Velocity Ellipsoid of Halo Red Giants, Astrophysics, 63, 179.
  12. M. I. Nouh and M. M. Elkhateeb, 2020, Photometric Investigation of Some W UMa Systems, Astrophysics, 63, 66.
  13. Moqbil S. Alenazi, Ayman Mahrous, Ibrahim Fathy, Mohamed Nouh, Essam Elkholy, Magdy Elkhateeb, Rasha Tharwat, Heba Shalaby, Yara Ahmed, 2020, First Results of Arar-Magnetometer Station in Saudi Arabia, Advances in Space Researches, 65,
  14. M. I. Nouh and Eltayeb A.Yousif , 2020, Conservation laws of some fractional nonlinear evolution equations, International journal of applied mathematics and statistics, 59, 25.
  15. E. Abdel-Salam and M. I. Nouh, 2020, Conformable Fractional Polytropic Gas Spheres, New Astronomy, 76, 101322.
  16. B. Korany and M. I. Nouh, 2019, X-ray warm absorber variability of the Seyfert Galaxy Arakelian 564, Astrophysics, 62, 293.
  17. W. H. Elsanhoury and M. I. Nouh, 2019, PPMXL and Gaia Morphological Analysis of Melotte22 (Pleaides) and Melotte25 (Hyades), New Astronomy, 72, 19.
  18. M. I. Nouh, 2019, Computational Method for a Fractional Model of the Helium Burning Network, New Astronomy, 66, 40.
  19. M. I. Nouh and E. Abdel-Salam, 2018, Analytical Solution to the Fractional Polytropic Gas Spheres, European Physical Journal Plus, 133, 149.
  20. M. I. Nouh and E. Abdel-Salam, 2018, Approximate solution to the fractional Lane-Emden type equations, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction a, science, 42, 2.
  21. M. M. Elkhateeb, M. I. Nouh, R. Michel.; A. Haroon and E.  Elkholy,  2018, Light Curve Modelling and Evolutionary Status of the Short Period Binary 1SWASP J092328.76+435044, Astrophysical Bulletin, Springer, 73, 66.
  22. D .A. Fouda, M. Hamdy, Nouh, M. Beheary, Abdelaziz Bakrey, S. M. Saad, 2017, Model atmosphere analysis of two new early-type O4 dwarfs stars, Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 2, 559.
  23. A. S. Saad, M. I. Nouh­­, A. A. Shaker and T. M. Kamel, 2017, Approximate Analytical Solutions to the Relativistic Isothermal Gas Spheres, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 53, 247.
  24. H. I. Abdelahman, M. I. Nouh, and W. H. Elsanhoury, 2017, Statistics of Visual Binaries, Astrophysical Bulletin, 72, 199.
  25. M. S. Darwish,; M. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh; S. M. Saad; M. A. Hamdy, M.M. Beheary.; K. Gadallah.; I. Zaid, 2017, Orbital solution and evolutionary state for the eclipsing binary 1SWASP J080150.03+471433.8, New Astronomy, 50, 37.
  26. M. M.Elkhateeb and M.I. Nouh, 2016, Light Curve Analysis of GSC 2750-0054 and GSC 03208-02644, New Astronomy, 49, 22.
  27. A. Abdel-Salam and M. I. Nouh, 2016, “Approximate Solution to the Fractional Second Type Lane-Emden Equation”, Astrophysics, 59, 398.
  28. I. Nouh, A. S. Saad, W. H. Elsanhoury, A. A. Shaker, B. Korany, T. M. Kamel, 2016, White Dwarf Stars as Polytropic Gas Spheres, Astrophysics, 59, 540.
  29. H. Elsanhoury; M. I. Nouh.; H. I. Abdel-Rahman, 2015, Kinematics and Velocity Ellipsoid of the Solar Neighborhood White Dwarfs, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, Vol. 51, 199.
  30. Elkholy.; M. I. Nouh, 2015, ROSAT x-ray analysis of the AM Her cataclysmic variable VV Pup, Astrophysical Bulletin, Volume 70, 333.
  31. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh; A. S. Saad, 2015, Modern comprehensive study of the W UMa system TY Boo, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 15, Issue 4, article id. 501.
  32. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh; R. H. Nelson, 2015, First orbital solution and evolutionary state for the newly discovered eclipsing binaries USNO-B1.0 1091-0130715 and GSC-03449-0680, New Astronomy, 35, 1.
  33. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh, 2015, Photometric solution and evolutionary state for the newly discovered W UMa systems GSC-02137-0222 and USNO-A2.0 1200-18678842, New Astronomy, 34, 47.
  34. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh; S. M. Saad; I. Zaid, 2014, A CCD photometric study of the newly discovered short period eclipsing binary 1SWASP J210318.76 + 021002.2, New Astronomy, 32, 10.
  35. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh, 2014, Comprehensive photometric study of the eclipsing binary AW Uma, Astrophysics and Space Science, 352, 673.
  36. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh, 2014, A Holistic Study of the W UMa Binary EQ Tau, Journal of Physics and Astronomy Research Vol. 1(3), 15.
  37. M. ElkhateebM. I. NouhE. Elkholy, and B. Korany, An Extensive Photometric Investigation of the W UMa System DK Cyg, Journal of Astrophysics, vol. 2015, Article ID 590673.
  38. M. Elkhateeb, S. M. Saad, M. I. Nouh, and A. Shokry, “Photometric study of the Newly Discovered Short Period Eclipsing Binary 1SWASP J 133105.91+ 121538.0”, 2014, New Astronomy, 28, 85.
  39. M. Elkhateeb,  M. I. Nouh, and S. M. Saad, “First photometric study of the eclipsing binary GSC 04371-0161”, 2014, New Astronomy, 26, 102.
  40. M. Elkhateeb and M. I. Nouh, “Light Curve Stability and Period Behviour of the Contact Binary TZ Boo”, 2013, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 34, 329.
  41. I. Nouh, S. M. Saad, B. Korany and A. Elkhamisy, “Spectroscopic Analysis of the Eclipsing Binary a CrB”, 2013, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 34, 193.
  42. I. Nouh, S. M. Saad, I. Zaid, M. M. Elkhateeb and E. Elkholy, “Spectroscopic Analysis of the Double Lined Eclipsing Binary a Vir”, 2013, Romanian Astronomical Journal, 23, 3.
  43. I. Nouh and A. S. Saad, “A New Analytical Solution to the Relativistic Polytropic Fluid Spheres “, International Review of Physics, 2013, Vol. 7, N. 1.
  44. H. Elsanhoury, M. A. Sharaf , M. I. Nouh  and A. S. Saad, “The Kinematics and Velocity Ellipsoid Parameters of Open Star Clusters”, 2013, The Open Astronomy Journal, 6, 1.
  45. I. Nouh and M. A. Sharaf, “On the Maximum Separation of Visual Binaries”, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2012, 33, 375.
  46. M. Saad, M. I. Nouh, “Model Atmosphere Analysis of Some B-Type Stars”, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011, 1, 45.
  47. M. Saad; M. I. Nouh, “A study of the B+B double-lined eclipsing binary u Her”, BASI, 39, 277.
  48. H. Elsanhoury; M. A. Hamdy; M. I. Nouh; A. S. Saad and S. M. Saad ” Luminosity Function of Some Open Clusters “, ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011,.
  49. Kubat, S. Saad, A. Kawka, M. I. Nouh, et al., “Spectroscopic Analysis of the B/Be Spectroscopic Binary, HR1847”, 2010, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 520, 103.
  50. Essam, S. M. Saad, M. I. Nouh, A. Dimetriscu, M. Mahrous, and A. Haroon, “Photometric and Spectroscopic Analyses of YY CrB”, 2010, New Astronomy, 15, 227.
  51. M. Saad; J. Kubát.; M. I. Nouh; M. A. Hamdy,” On the correlation of H α, iron and oxygen line strengths in some B, Be and shell stars”, 2010, Astrophysics and Space Science, 325, 7.
  52. I. Abdel-Rhman, I., Issa, M. A. Sharaf, M. I. Nouh,….,2009,.”A Gaussian Statistical Function as Distance Indicator to Stellar Groups”, JKAS, 42, 71
  53. I Nouh, 2009, “A Code for Calculating Static Model Atmospheres”, JKAS, 42, 47.
  54. Abdel-Sabour, M. I. Nouh, I. A. Issa, M. S. EL-Nawawy, A. Kordi, Z. Almostafa, A. Essam EL-Said, G. B. Ali, 2009, “Determination of the Hubble Constant Using Cepheids”, Romanian Astronomical Journal, 19, No. 1, 11.
  55. W. Elsanhoury, M. A. Hamdy, I. Issa, M. I. Nouh, et al., “Study of Luminosity Function of Some Open clusters”, 2008, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
  56. M. I. Nouh et al., 2008, “Model Atmosphere Parameters of Alpha CrB and Alpha Vir”, Middle East-Africa, Regional IAU Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, April 5-10
  57. M. A. Sharaf , H. I. Abdel-Rhman, M. I. Nouh, A. S. Saad, A. I. Osman , A. B. Ahmed, and M. Mohanna , I. A. Issa, 2007, ” Statistical Approach for Distance determination of Some Open Clusters and Associations”, Journal of the Astronomical Society of Egypt, vol. 14/ii, pp24-33.
  58. M. I. Nouh, D. A. Fouda , 2007 “A Grid of Non-LTE Model Atmospheres and Synthetic Spectra for the DO white dwarfs”. COSKA, 37, 3, 189.
  59. M. A. Elkhamisy , I. Z. Ibrahim , M. I. Nouh, P. Hadrava , J. Kubat, S. M. Saad and I. A. Ibrahim “Numerical Simulation of Binary Orbits”, Fifth International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Held in Cairo from 24-26 March, 2007.
  60. A. Dumetriscu, S. M. Saad , M. I. Nouh, A. Haroon, M. M. Elkhateeb, “Light Curve Analysis of YY Crb”. The 11th Conference of NRIAG, 2006.
  61. M. I. Nouh , S., M. Saad, M.S. Abo-Elazm, and M. A. Elkhamisy and I. A. Ibrahim, “Spectrum Disentangled and Orbital Solution of alpha Crb”. The 11th Conference of NRIAG, 2006.
  62. S. M. Saad, P. Hadrava, J. Kubat, M. I. Nouh, I. A. Ibrahim and I. Z. Ibrahim ” New Orbital Elements and Spectrum Disentangling of αVir”, The 11th Conference of NRIAG, 2006.
  63. Saad, S. M.; Kubat, J.; Korcakova, D.; Koubsky, P.; Skoda, P.; Slechta, M.; Kawka, A.; Budovicova, A.; Votruba, V.; Sarounova, L.; M. I. Nouh, 2006, “Observations of H-alpha, Iron, and Oxygen Lines in B, Be, and Shell Stars”, Astron. Astrophys, 450, 427.
  64. M. A. Sharaf, M. I. Nouh and others, 2006, “Relation between the tangential velocity and the angular distance to the vertex for Hyades stars”, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
  65. M. I. Nouh., 2004, “Ephemrides for Visual Binaries in Near-Parabolic Orbits”, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 69-77 .
  66. M. I. Nouh. et al., 2004, “Statistical Investigation on Wide Pairs in Washington Double Star Catalog”, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 41-53 .
  67. Sharaf, M. A., Nouh, M. I. and Saad, A. S., 2004, “Relation between a function of the right ascension and the angular distance to the vertex for Hyades stars”, Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, Vol. 25, pp 213-220.
  68. M. I. Nouh, 2004,, “Accelerated Power Series Solution of Polytropic and isothermal Gas Spheres”, New Astronomy, 9, 7, pp 467-473.
  69. Elkhateeb, M. M.; M. I. Nouh; Saad, S. M.; Selim, H., 2004, “New V Light Curve and Ephemeris of the Binary System 44i Bootis”, Romanian Astronomical Journal, 14, 2, pp 139.
  70. Saad, S. M., M. I. Nouh, Elkhateeb, M. M. and Elkholy, E. A., 2004, “Light Curve Analysis of the New Eclipsing Binary GSC 04371-0161”, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Special Issue.
  71. M. I. Nouh, Sharaf, M. A. and Saad, A. S., 2003, “Symbolic Analytical Solution for the Abundances Differential Equations of the Helium Burning Phase”, Astro. Nach. , Vol. 324, No. 5, pp 1-5.
  72. Sharaf, M. A., Hamdy, M. A, M. I. Nouh, Saad, S. M. and Elsanhoury, W. H., 2003, “Approximate Series Solution for the Physical Parameters of Polytropic and Isothermal Gas Spheres”, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 2, No.1, pp 13-26.
  73. Sharaf, M. A., Saad, a. S. and M. I. Nouh, 2003, “Algorithmic Approach for Battin’s Method of the Universal Lambert Problem”., Bul. Fac. of Scie. Al Azhar Univ, Vol. 14, No. 2 .
  74. Sharaf, M. A., Saad, S. A., and M. I. Nouh, , 2003, “Lambert Universal VariableAlgorithm”, The Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 28, no. 1A.
  75. Sharaf, M. A., M. I. Nouh, Saad, A. S., Elkhateeb, M. M. and Saad, M. S., 2002, “Computational Algorithm for Orbit and Mass Determination of Visual Binaries”, Romanian Astronomical Journal, 12, 2, pp 123-130.
  76. Sharaf, M. A., Abo-Elazm, M. S. and M. I. Nouh, 2000, “Ephemerides of visual binaries in universal variables.” Astron. Nach., 321, no.1.
  77. M. A. Sharaf, A. S. Saad and M. I. Nouh, 2003, “Laplace Coefficients Computations via Recursive Harmonic”, NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 2, No.1, pp 71-80.
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