الأستاذ الدكتور/ طه رابح، رئيس المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقية يستقبل وفدًا من جامعة حلوانInteractive Subsurface 3D Modeling using Potential Fields and Geological Constraintsبيان هلال شهر ذو الحجة لعام 1445هـهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY​The Arab Conference on Astronomy and Geophysics – ACAG 8​Smart Green Projects InitiativeSpace Technology and its ApplicationsThe Third Advanced ArAS School for Astrophysics.يوم المرأة العالمى فى الفلكهلال شهر رمضان بين الرؤية العلمية والرؤية البصريةندوة يابانية مصرية مشركة حول التكنولوجيا المتقدمة فى تقدير المخاطر الزلزاليةهزة أرضية علي بعد 27 كم شمال مدينة السويس ودرجة قوته 4.1 ريختر وعلي عمق 10كمزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطزلزال تركيا وسوريا ونظرة شمولية على مصر و الشرق الأوسطنفى المعهد القومى للبحوث الفلكية و الجيوفيزيقية تعرض مصر لتسونامى و زلزال مدمر خلال الايام المقبلةوزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي يرأس اجتماع مجلس إدارة المعهد القومي للبحوث الفلكية والجيوفيزيقيةبرعاية وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي تنظيم ورشة عمل حول “تصنيع النموذج الأول من المحول الرقمي التخزيني في منظومة رصد الزلازل”برعاية وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.. افتتاح أعمال المؤتمر الإقليمي السادس لعلوم الفلك والفضاء بالشرق الأوسط وإفريقياتغطية خاصة لزلزال تركيا و سوريا

Somaya Saad

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Welcome to the web page of ( Somaya Saad, Full Prof. ), at the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics -NRIAG. In the different sections of the web page, you could find information on my fields of interest and updated information related to my Scientifics Activities.

Professional Profile

Full Name: Somaya Saad

Scientifics Name: Saad, S. M.

Phone:01225638712 ; 01113996884

Address: National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – NRIAG
                    Astronomy Department – Stellar Astronomy Lab
                   11421 – Helwan – Cairo – Egypt

Social Media Links

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My Bio

My Bio

    Prof. of astrophysics at Astronomy Dept. National Research
Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). She is an active member in the
International Astronomical Union (IAU), president of the IAU-National Egyptian
Committee (2018-2021). She received her MSc and PhD in astrophysics from Cairo
University. She was working as post doctor for one year at Astronomy Dept. Seoul
National University, South Korea (1999-2000) and for two years at the Astronomical
Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic (2002-2004). She was
the Principal Investigator of two scientific projects through the international
cooperation between the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology
(ASRT) and the Czech Academy of Science.

My Research Interests

My Research Interests

    My research work focuses on the field of stellar astrophysics, Physics of hot and emission line stars and stellar variability.

Scientific IDs

Scientific IDs

  Scientific Name of Publications:

Saad, S. M. ……..

  ID Research

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My Pages Links

My Pages Links

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My Awards

My Awards

  • The Honoring ’’Medal of the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Oct. 1990.
  • Prize of Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, “ The Name of Late Prof. Mahmud Khairy Ali” in Astrophysics 2006
  • Prize of Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, “The Name of Late Prof. Mahmud Khairy Ali” in Astrophysics 2013
  • Prize of “The Community Service and Science Simplification“ 2020 from the Scientific Forum of the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, NRIAG 5-Prize of the Egyptian Scientific Society for Astronomy and Space, December 2023

Journals  Articles

  1. Darwish, M.S., Badreldin, H., Ahmed, N.M., Morsy, M., Kohil, E.E., Hassan, H.M., Helmy, I., Shokry, A., Hassan, M.A., Saad, S.M., Hamed, G.M., Ghatass, Z.F., Ata, S.A. Multiparameter study for a new ground-based telescope in Egypt. (2023), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526 (4), pp. 6330-6347.
  2. Abdelaziz, A.E., Saad, S.M., Hendy, Y.H.M., Shokry, A., Kamal, F.Y. An astrometric and photometric study of the young open cluster NGC 2168 and its possible member [NBN2015]77. (2022),  New Astronomy, 92, 101727
  3. Azzam, Y.A., Elnagahy, F.I.Y., Ali, G.B., Essam, A., Saad, S., Ismail, H., Zead, I., Ahmed, N.M., Yoshida, M., Kawabata, K.S., Akitaya, H., Shokry, A., Hendy, Y.H.M., Takey, A., Hamed, G.M., Mack, P. Kottamia Faint Imaging Spectro-Polarimeter (KFISP): opto-mechanical design, software control and performance analysis.  (2022), Experimental Astronomy, 53 (1), pp. 45-70.
  4. Shokry, A., Nouh, M.I., Saad, S.M., Helmy, I. Fundamental parameters of some B-type stars using NOAO Indo-U.S. LibraryNew Astronomy. (2022), 93, 101780
  5. Saad, S.M., Nouh, M.I., Shokry, A., Zead, I. A study of the time variability and line profile variations of κdra. (2021),  Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 57 (1), pp. 91-105.  
  6. Shokry, A., Zead, I.Z., El-Depsey, M.H., Darwish, M.S., Hassan, I.A., Shaltout, A.M.K., Saad, M.S., Nouh, M.I. New CCD photometry and light curve analysis of two WUMaBinaries: 1SWASP J133417.80+394314.4 and V2790 Orion. (2020),  New Astronomy, 80. 101400
  7. Azzam, Y.A., Ali, G.B., Elnagahy, F.I.Y., Zead, I., Ahmed, N.M., Ismail, H., Saad, S., Shokry, A., Takey, A., Hendy, Y.H.M., Mack, P., Yoshida, M., Kawabata, K.S., Akitaya, H., Darwish, M.S., Fouad, A.M., Helmy, I., Ismail, M., Elsayed, D., Ali, O., Abdel-Sabour, M., Molham, M., Haroon, A.A., Osman, A.M.I., Hamdy, M., Issa, I.A., Abo-Elala, M.S., Essam, A. (KFISP) Kottamia Faint Imaging Spectro-Polarimeter: Opto-mechanical design and performance analysis. (2020), Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11447
  8. M. S. Darwish,  A. M. S. Richards,  S. Etoka,  K. A. Edris,  S. M. Saad, M. M. Beheary and G. A. Fuller, OH maser towards IRAS 06056+2131: polarization parameters and evolution status,   (2020), Monthly Notices of  Royal Astronomical  Society,   493
  1. S. Darwish , K. A. Edris, A. M. S. Richards, S. Etoka, M. S. Saad, M. M. Beheary and G. A. Fuller, Methanol and water maser observations separate disc and outflow sources in IRAS 19410+2336. (2020), Monthly Notices of  Royal Astronomical  Society,   493.   
  2. Abdelaziz, A.E., Hendy, Y.H.M., Shokry, A., Saad, S.M., Kamal, F.Y., Edris, K.A. An astrometric and photometric study of the intermediate-age open cluster ngc 2158 and its eclipsing binary [nbn2015j78. (2020), Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 56 (2), pp. 245-257. 
  3. Pović, M., Mcbride, V., Muheki, P., Saad, S., Klutse, N.A.B., et. al. Inclusive education and research through African Network of Women in Astronomy and STEM for GIRLS in Ethiopia initiatives. (2019), Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 15 (S367), pp. 497-499. 
  4. Shokry, A., Saad, S.M., Hamdy, M.A., Beheary, M.M., Abolazm, M.S., Gadallah, K.A., El-Depsey, M.H., Al-Gazzar, M.S. Photometric study of two eclipsing binary stars: Light curve analysis and system parameters for GU CMa and SWASP J011732.10+525204.9(2018),  New Astronomy, 59, pp. 8-13. 
  5. Pović, M., Saad, S., Simpemba, P.C., Walwa, T., Yilma, A., et. al. Development in astronomy and space science in Africa. (2018), Nature Astronomy, 2 (7), pp. 507-510. 
  6. El-Depsey, M.H., Abo-Alazm, M.S., Saad, M.S., Hassan, I.A., Shaltout, A.M.K., Zeid, I., Shokry, A., Darwish, M.VRI photometry and light curve analysis of short period W UMa-Type 1SWASP J222514.69 + 361643.0(2017),  New Astronomy, 56, pp. 50-53. 
  7. Shokry, A., Darwish, M.S., Saad, S.M., Eldepsy, M., Zead, I. Kottamia 74-inch telescope discovery of the new eclipsing binary KAO-EGYPT J225702.44+523222.1.: First CCD photometry and light curve analysis(2017),  New Astronomy, 55, pp. 27-31. 
  8. Darwish, M.S., Shokry, A., Saad, S.M., El-Sadek, M.A., Essam, A., Ismail, M.
    Kottamia 74-inch telescope discovery of the new eclipsing binary 2MASS J20004638 + 0547475.: First CCD photometry and light curve analysis(2017), New Astronomy, 53, pp. 35-38. 
  9. Darwish, M.S., Saad, M.S., Hanna, M.A., Nasser, M.A., Hamdy, M.A., Beheary, M.M., Gadallah, K.A., Shokry, A. New CCD photometry of the eclipsing binary system V1067 Her(2017),  New Astronomy, 50, pp. 12-18. 
  10. Zead, I., Saad, S.M., Sanad, M.R., Behary, M.M., Gadallah, K. Spectral and photometric behavior of SU UMa during quiescence and outburst states. (2017), New Astronomy, 52, pp. 122-132.
  11. D .A. Fouda, M. Hamdy, M. Nouh, M. Beheary, Abdelaziz Bakrey, S. M. Saad,  Model atmosphere analysis of two new early-type O4 dwarfs stars, (2017), Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 2, 559.
  12. S. Darwish,; M. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh; S. M. Saad; M. A. Hamdy, M.M. Beheary.; K. Gadallah.; I. Zaid, Orbital solution and evolutionary state for the eclipsing binary 1SWASP J080150.03+471433.8, (2017), New Astronomy, 50, 37.
  13. Saad et al., The first CCD photometric analysis and modeling for short period eclipsing binary system 1SWASPJ210423.7+073140.4. (2016), New Astronomy,  47: 24-28.
  14. Elkhateeb, M.M., Saad, S.M., Nouh, M.I., Shokry, A. Photometric study of the newly discovered short period eclipsing binary 1SWASP J133105.91 + 121538.0. (2014), New Astronomy, 28, pp. 85-90.
  15. M. M. Elkhateeb; M. I. Nouh; S. M. Saad; I. Zaid, A CCD photometric study of the newly discovered short period eclipsing binary 1SWASP J210318.76 + 021002.2, (2014), New Astronomy, 32, 10.
  16. M. I. Nouh, S. M. Saad, B. Korany and A. Elkhamisy, Spectroscopic Analysis of the Eclipsing Binary alpha CrB. (2013), Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 34, 193.
  17. S. M. Saad, M. I. Nouh, Model Atmosphere Analysis of Some B-Type Stars. (2011), International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,  1, 45.
  18. S. M. Saad; M. I. Nouh, A study of the B+B double-lined eclipsing binary u Her, BASI, 39, 277.
  19. Essam, A., Saad, S.M., Nouh, M.I., Dumitrescu, A., El-Khateeb, M.M., Haroon, A. Photometric and spectroscopic analysis of YY CrB. (2010), New Astronomy.  15 (2), pp. 227-233. 
  20. J. Kubat, S. Saad, A. Kawka, M. I. Nouh, et al., Spectroscopic Analysis of the B/Be Spectroscopic Binary, HR1847. (2010), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 520, 103.
  21. A. Essam, S. M. Saad, M. I. Nouh, A. Dimetriscu, M. Mahrous, and A. Haroon, Photometric and Spectroscopic Analyses of YY CrB. (2010), New Astronomy, 15, 227.
  22. S. M. Saad; J. Kubát.; M. I. Nouh; M. A. Hamdy, On the correlation of H α, iron and oxygen line strengths in some B, Be and shell stars. (2010), Astrophysics and Space Science, 325, 7.
  23. Saad, S. M.; Kubat, J.; Korcakova, D.; Koubsky, P.; Skoda, P.; Slechta, M.; Kawka, A.; Budovicova, A.; Votruba, V.; Sarounova, L.; M. I. Nouh,  Observations of H-alpha, Iron, and Oxygen Lines in B, Be, and Shell Stars. (2006),Astron. Astrophys, 450, 427.
  24. Elkhateeb, M. M.; M. I. Nouh; Saad, S. M.; Selim, H.,  New V Light Curve and Ephemeris of the Binary System 44i Bootis. (2004), Romanian Astronomical Journal, 14, 2, pp 139.
  25. Kubát, J., Saad, S.M., Kawka, A., Nouh, M.I., Iliev, L., Uytterhoeven, K., Korčáková, D., Hadrava, P., Škoda, P., Votruba, V., Dovčiak, M., Šlechta, M. Spectroscopic analysis of the B/Be visual binary HR 1847. (2010), Astronomy and Astrophysics,  520 (14), A103.
  26. Saad, S.M., Kubát, J., Korčáková, D., Koubský, P., Škoda, P., Šlechta, M., Kawka, A., Budovičová, A., Votruba, V., Šarounová, L., Nouh, M.I. Observations of Hα, iron, and oxygen lines in B, Be, and shell stars. (2006), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 450 (1), pp. 427-430. 
  27. Saad, S.M., Kubát, J., Hadrava, P., Harmanec, P., Koubský, P., Škoda, P., Šlechta, M., Korčáková, D., Yang, S. Spectrum disentangling and orbital solution for κ Dra. (2005), Astrophysics and Space Science, 296 (1-4), pp. 173-177. 
  28. Saad, S.M. Light curve analysis of two new W uma stars in M15. (2005), Astrophysics and Space Science,  296 (1-4), pp. 301-304.  
  29. Saad, S.M., Kubát, J., Koubský, P., Harmanec, P., Škoda, P., Korčáková, D., Krtička, J., Šlechta, M., Božić, H., Ak, H., Hadrava, P., Votruba, V. Properties and nature of Be stars*: XXIII. Long-term variations and physical properties of χ Dra. (2004), Astronomy and Astrophysics, 419 (2), pp. 607-621. 
  30. M. A. Sharaf, M. I. Nouh,  M. A. Hamdy , S. M. Saad and W. Elsanhoury, Approximate series solutions for the physical parameters of the polytropic and isothermal gas spheres, (2003)  Bulletin ( NRIAG ).
  31. Hamdy, M.A., Abo Elazm, M.S., Saad, S.M., Nafie, H.O., Abdel Baeth, H.E. Spectral classification criteria for some early type stars in the UV region. (2002), Astrophysics and Space Science, 279 (3), pp. 203-218. 
  32. Paparó, M., Szeidl, B., Saad, S.M., Kolláth, Z., Abu Elazm, M.S. Behaviour of the periods in double mode RR Lyrae, V26 in M15. (2002), Astronomy and Astrophysics,  391 (2), pp. 633-639. 
  33. Paparó, M., Saad, S.M., Szeidl, B., Kolláth, Z., Abu Elazm, M.S., Sharaf, M.A.
    Period changes in both modes of RRd stars in M 15. (1998), Astronomy and Astrophysics,  332 (1), pp. 102-110.
  34. M.Paparo, S. M. Saad,  M. S. Abolazm and M. A. Sharaf., Long Term Behaviour of fundamental mode of RRd stars in M15.(1997), ASP Conference Series vol. 135, p. 50.
  35. M. A Hamdy, M. S. Abolazm and S. M. Saad, A Catalogue of Spectral Classification and Photometric data of B-Type Starts,(1993) Ap&SS., 203, 53.
  36. M. A. Hamdy,  M. S. Abolazm and S. M. Saad, Spectrophotometric Study  Of Two Be Stars (Alpha Leo  and  17 Tau.), (1993,)  Ap&SS; Vol. 202, 315-325.
  37. M. A.  Hamdy, M. S. Abolazm and S. M. Saad., Spectral  classification of some Be stars using  “ Delta Q”  method., Ap&SS; 1991, Vol. 186, 161-164.
  38. Hamdy, M. A.; Elazm, M. S. A.; Saad, S. M.Spectral reclassification of some Be stars using ΔQ method, 1991Ap&SS.186..161H 








  • Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
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