NRIAG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting, lecture on “Geodetic Satellite Mission”.

National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) is inviting your excellence to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Lecture by Prof. Khaled Zahran, Professor of Geodesy and applied geophysics, Head of the Geodynamic Department, NRIAG. Dr. Mohamed Sobh, Gravity laboratory, Geodynamic Department, NRIAG, Institute of Geophysics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany. Dr. Karem Abdelmohsen, Gravity laboratory, Geodynamic Department, NRIAG, Geological, and Environmental Sciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA. Through Zoom platform sponsored by the National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG). At 07:00 PM Cairo on Sunday, Jan 31, 2021, entitled *Recent Approaches in Geodetic Satellite Mission: Theory and Applications * We are happy to join the lecture.
Topic: NRIAG’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Sunday, Jan 31, 2021 07:00 PM Cairo
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