On Tuesday, 24-4-2018, the Meteorological Station in Helwan has reached the extreme rain. The precipitation rate was 300 mm/h at 9:00 pm exactly. The precipitation rate increased to reach 388 mm/h at 10:40 pm. While this day was sunny and the amount of solar radiation recorded a peak of 900 watts per square meter. !!!
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ghitas
- Prof. of Solar Energy Physics
- Head of Photovoltaic Research Unit
- Deputy Head of the Solar and Space Research Dep.
National Research Institute of Astronomy
and Geophysics (NRIAG) - El-Marsad Str. P. O. Box 138
- 11421 Helwan – Cairo – Egypt
- Tel.: +2 02 25560645 Ext. 372
- Fax.: +2 02 25548020
- Mobile: +2 01096200409