The Fourth Spectroscopy Winter School (SWS-4), 30 January to 07 February 2022, Egypt
Under the Auspices of
Prof. Mohamed Lotfi
Prof. Gad El-Qady
Prof. Emad Ewais
President of
The British University in Egypt, BUE
President of
The National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, NRIAG
President of
The Central Metallurgical Research& Development Institute, CMRDI
Coordinator: Prof. Hanan Elhaes
Chairman: Prof. Medhat Ibrahim
Prof of Materials Science, Ain Shams University
Director of Nanotechnology Research Center, NTRC
The British University in Egypt, BUE
Nano Club is providing expertise and consultancy covering the theory and applications of Nano scale science. The Nano Club is acting as an interdisciplinary club managed entirely by the Nanotechnology Research Center, NTRC at BUE. The club is hosting this year the Fourth Spectroscopy Winter School, SWS-4.The School is coming this year as a joint collaboration between NTRC and the Nano unit at NRIAG, together with the CMRADI.
Vibrational spectroscopy is a non-destructive well-known method for identification of substances. It measures the vibrational energy in a compound. Each compound will have a unique fingerprint, as it owns unique vibrational energy. There are two well-known types of vibrational spectroscopy namely Infrared and Raman. They are typically used in connection with each other to get a more complete picture of the compounds. Accordingly, the school will be focusing on application of spectroscopy in the field of nanotechnology.
Another tool will be fulfilled to specify the vibrational spectroscopy together with Infrared and Raman, which is molecular modeling. So that, this winter school will be concerned with Vibrational assignment using quantum mechanical molecular modeling calculations at Ab Initio and Density Functional Theory methods.
The overall aims from this winter school are to gather the theoretical and technical aspects of spectroscopy.
Organizing Committee:
Prof. Rasha Ghoneim Prof. Osama Osman Prof. Aliaa Salem
Prof. Maroof Hegazy Prof. Abdelaziz Mahmoud
Dr. Hend Ezzat Prof. Mohamed Sleim
Mr. Islam Hawash
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